Herod Antipas in Galilee

In this excellent, thoroughly-researched and thoughtful study, J. aims to steer a path between these divergent views, and to provide a way out of what has become a scholarly impasse. [...] J.'s study is a model of sober scholarship. [...] this is a fine study that will undoubtedly become the standard discussion of Antipas for some time to come.' Helen Bond in Theologische Literaturzeitung 133 (2008), pp. 379-381 'Jensen has written a persuasive and comprehensive study on Antipas and his impact on Galilee. He has given us significant background information to our understanding of the Gospels and the historical Jesus.' Christoph Stenschke in Religion and Theology 16 (2009), pp.111-115 'We recommend the book to every scholarly or seminary library, and to all individuals interested in the origins of Christianity.' Zdzislaw J. Kapera in The Polish Journal of Biblical Research 6 (2007), pp.193-194 'His bibliography is a goldmine for those interested in Galilean archaeology, and a set of helpful illustrations, maps, and charts enhances the work. This book is a must read for anyone interested in historical Jesus; indeed, it undermines so much current scholarship on Christian origins that it (and Galilee generally) is a good place to begin.' Jonathan L. Reed in Bulletin of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity 35 (2007), S. 10-11 'This is an important study, one that no scholar writing on the cultural climate of first-century Galilee or the historical Jesus can afford to ignore. It is a fine exemplar of thoroughness and nuance and will quickly become the standard reference work on Herod Antipas's impact on the region.' Die ungekürzte Rezension von Mark A. Chancey finden Sie auf www.bookreviews.org 'This seems to be a model historical study.' L.L. Grabbe in Journal for the Study of the Old Testament - Book List 31.5 (2007), S. 48-49 'This work is a major up-to-date contribution on the life and reign of Herod Antipas. Jensen is to be commenended for his research and insight. Although he deals with complex and detailed issues, the book is easy to read and follow because it is so well organized and well written. For anyone who wants to learn about Herod Antipas and first-century Galilee, this book is a must.' Harold W. Hoehner in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 50 (2007), S. 833-835

Born 1972; 2005 PhD, University of Aarhus, Denmark; since 2009 associate professor at Menighedsfakultetet, the Lutheran School of Theology, Aarhus; since 2013 professor II at the Norwegian School of Theology and Religion, Oslo, Norway; since 2017 Research Fellow at the Department of Biblical and Ancient Studies, University of South Africa; since 2019 associate professor at Fjellhaug International International University College, Oslo (Norway).

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