Highlights of the Chinese Exposure Factors Handbook

The Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES) has conducted the Environmental exposure related activity pattern research of Chinese population (Adults). Exposure Factors Handbook of Chinese Population (Adults) was compiled based on the results from this study. Highlights of the Chinese Exposure Factors Handbook is a brief introduction to the content of Exposure Factors Handbook of Chinese Population (Adults). In each chapter, definitions, possible influence factors, and survey methods have been introduced, followed by recommended values for urban/rural areas, different genders, age groups and regions with information of mean, median and P5, P25, P75, P95 values. With the abundant data and tables, readers are provided with an accessible and comprehensive overview of Chinese exposure factors. - The first and only one covering Chinese exposure factors, which have been absent until now and are essential for the exposure and risk assessment of environmental agents - Presents several tables on ingestion rates, as well as activity biology and residential factors based on data from a national survey - Provides a brief but comprehensive understanding of the environmental exposure-related factors for the Chinese population

Ms. Duan got her PhD degree from University of Science and Technology of Beijing & China National Environmental Monitoring Center (CNEMC) in 2005. Dr. Duan is associate professor of the Department of Environmental Pollution and Health, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES), Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP). Her research interests cover, a) improving the accuracy of exposure measurement of environmental pollutants from environmental exposure, personal exposure to biomarkers; b) Human activity patterns survey and its application in exposure assessment and environmental health risk assessment. c) Environmental health risk assessment / management based policy and decision making. Currently, she is leading the first Chinese National Environmental Exposure Related Human Activity Patterns Survey. She has pubilshed more than 70 peer-reviewed papers and 4 Chinese books