His Strength Her Joy

Life brings unexpected circumstances that steal your strength and joy. A major illness. A sudden death. A loss of job. These sudden shifts take away a life that you may have imagined. You lose hope. You might lose faith. And worst of all, you lose joy. A joyless life can make you feel like you are going through the motions. A major task-work, caregiving, parenting-can quickly overwhelm a joyless person. In His Strength/Her Joy, LaTan Roland Murphy shares the stories of ten incredible biblical women who struggled against daily hardships and revealed how we each have a decision to make-choosing to remain weak and joyless by controlling your own life-narrative, or choosing to embrace the joy filled strength of a God who is currently writing a better story across the pages of your life than you can imagine. Get ready to gather all the wisdom of knowing that when you have come to the end of your human strength, God offers His. And you will receive one of life's greatest joys-recognizing and embracing His supernatural ability at work in all of your daily circumstances.

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