Hope Is Not a Strategy

",No longer is being 'a good closer' the basis of sustainable success. Instead intakes the kind of strategic thinking Rick Page outlines inHope Is Not a Strategy.",--Geoffrey Moore, author of Crossing the Chasm and Inside the TornadoMaster of the complex sale, Rick Page is the author of the bestselling book, Hope Is Not a Strategy, and one of the most sought-after sales consultants and trainers in the world.He has taught his breakthrough selling strategies to thousands of people in 150 companies across 50 countries--an amazing platform that has helped his message spread like wildfire. This paperback edition of Page's runaway sales bestseller schools readers in Page's simple, six-step process for making the sale--no matter how complex the deal or how many people are involved in the buying decision.Integrating the winning selling strategies used by the world's top salespeople, Page shows readers how to:Identify and sell to a prospect's business ",pain",Qualify a prospectBuild competitive preferenceDefine a prospect's decision-making process

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