How Southwest Pacific Area Operations in WWII Influenced the Royal Australian Air Force

This research project will show the evolution of the RAAF's doctrine, strategy, and force structure from the pre-WWII years to today's modern force. Specifically, this project will show how the lessons learned from the air battles in the Southwest Pacific Area of WWII have impacted today's RAAF. This project will begin by showing the transition of the RAAF from a British Empire dominion, early in WWII, to a force closely aligned with the United States during WWII. The main focus will be on the operational contributions the RAAF made to the Allied Southwest Pacific Area campaign in the Netherlands East Indies, New Guinea, and in Northern Australia. Finally, the project will show how the lessons from experiencing Japanese air superiority, early in WWII, influenced the doctrine, strategy, command organization and force structure of today's modern RAAF.