How to be a More Efficient Radiologist

Formal training in radiology focuses on the identification and characterization of abnormality. Such skills are necessarily, but not sufficient to thrive in modern practice. One of the greatest predictors of professional satisfaction and overall productivity for radiologists is work efficiency - a skill not often formally taught. This book provides a comprehensive review of techniques that a radiologist may use to improve work speed, without compromising quality. Small differences across many domains (e.g., image analysis, reporting, and communication) add up to large differences in work efficiency. Topics covered in this text include (though are not limited to): Why Developing Efficiency is a Training PriorityOverarching Principles in Improving EfficiencyPACS Interface OptimizationOverview of Effective ReportingEfficient Dictation TipsMacro OptimizationMacro Special Functions and OrganizationEducational Preparation (For Residents and Fellows)Workflow Organization (For Attendings and Practices)Physiological and Cognitive OptimizationEnvironmental OptimizationHardware OptimizationAutoHotKey and Macro ScriptingAutomation, Informatics, and Other EfficienciesThe Future of Radiologic Efficiency>Not all variation in efficiency is easily modified. However, the strategies we discuss can help radiologists hone their abilities to the greatest extent possible. This book can be a useful guide on your journey in becoming the best - most accurate, thoughtful, and efficient - radiologist you can be.