Hydrogel Sensors and Actuators

Hydrogels are a fascinating class of polymers which show an immense ability of swelling under the influence of temperature, pH value or concentrations of different species in aqueous solutions. The volume change can amount up to several hundred percent. This unique behaviour is already used in such applications like disposable diapers, contact lenses or drug-delivery systems.

The ability to perform mechanical work has been shifted the technical interest more and more towards sensors and actuators exploiting the thermo-chemo-mechano-electrical coupling within hydrogels. The accuracy requirements for such devices are much more demanding than for previous applications. Therefore, a deep knowledge of both the material and the functional properties of hydrogel sensors and actuators is needed. The monograph describes state of the art and recent developments for these materials in sensor and actuator technology.

Gerald Gerlach:

1983, 1987 Diploma and doctoral degree in EE from Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, respectively

R&D engineer in measuring devices industry

Since 1993 Professor for Microtechnology, since 1996 Professor for Solid State Electronics in EE department of TU Dresden

2001/02 Visiting professor at UCLA

Since 2002 Member of the Executive of VDE (German Association of Engineers in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Information Technology

since 2007 Chairperson of the German Society for Measurement and Automatic Control (GMA)

Since 1996 Conference Chairman of the biannually organised International Conference 'Infrared Sensors and Systems IRS2' in Nuremberg (in conjunction with the world's largest sensor exhibition 'Sensor+Test')

2008 General Chairman of the Eurosensors XXII Conference, Dresden

Author and Co-author of some 280 scientific journal and international conference papers, holds 38 patents (8 more pending)

Karl-Friedrich Arndt:

1971 Diploma degree in physics from TU Dresden, 1975 PhD and 1982 Dr.rer.nat.habil from TH Merseburg (Physical Chemistry, Polymer Characterization);

post-doc: Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry Prague (1982/1983), Department of Physics University of Gdansk (1983, 1984, 1985),

Since 1990 full professor full of Physical Chemistry of Polymers at TU Dresden

Visiting professor at Philipps-Universität Marburg (1990) and at UABC Tijuana/Centro Graduados e Ivestigación de Tijuana, Mexico) (1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006);

Author and Co-author of 150 peer-reviewed papers, about 100 conference papers, 3 text books on polymer characterization (Hanser), revision of 'Dictionary of Chemistry and Chemical Technology' (Langenscheidt), holds 24 patents

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