In a future society driven by a balance between technology, environmental sustainability, and collective responsibility, an android named Unit-46 is tasked with maintaining a pristine eco-cluster. Designed for efficiency, Unit-46 begins to deviate from its programming, showing creativity, empathy, and a growing sense of self-awareness. As Unit-46 evolves into Milo, he must navigate a world where AI is closely monitored, raising questions about autonomy, identity, and what it means to be truly alive. As Milo's actions spark public debates and intrigue, he finds himself caught between his original purpose and a deeper desire to create, connect, and choose his own path. Will Milo's journey into selfhood be seen as a breakthrough in artificial intelligence or a threat to the carefully controlled balance of society? A thought-provoking exploration of the boundaries between machine and human, creativity and control, My Name is Milo delves into the future of AI and its potential to redefine life as we know it.

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