I frammenti dei grammatici Agathokles, Hellanikos, Ptolemaios Epithetes - Peri schematon - The Fragments of Comanus of Naucratis

Frontmatter -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Indice del Contenuto -- Premessa -- Compendiorum explicatio -- Agathokles Cyzicenus -- Hellanikos -- Ptolemaios Epithetes -- Riepilogo -- Appendice I. -- Appendice II. -- Indices -- Front Matter 2 -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Introduction -- Conspectus siglorum -- Lesbonax ???? ???????? -- Indices -- Front Matter 3 -- Table of Contents -- I. Introduction -- II. Abbreviations -- III. Fragments with Commentary -- IV. Indices -- Backmatter

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