If It Were Up to Mrs Dada

Today is National Day. It is also Cheryl Dada’s birthday. As Elderflower Home prepares for the celebration, Cheryl Dada too gets ready for her party. Between the hours of noon and seven p.m., she encounters the cantankerous residents and caregivers, her mother and people of yesteryears. What unfolds is a story about a woman coming to terms with age, loss and love.

Carissa Foo is a lecturer of writing and literature. She received her Ph.D. in English Studies from Durham University and is currently working at Yale-NUS College. Apart from her research interest in modernist women's writing, she also plays the bass guitar and was part of the local band Tuzi, which won the national SuperBand competition and later produced their debut album Hey! When she is not teaching in the university, she teaches conversational English to migrant workers. This is her first novel.