Impacts of tourism. To what extent is tourism a blessing or a curse?

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Tourismus - Sonstiges, Note: 2,3, Stenden hogeschool, Veranstaltung: Tourism Resource Development, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In this assignment important positive and negative impacts will be discussed by using particular sources of experts in order to analyze the question of 'to what extent is tourism a blessing or a curse?'. The topics of UNESCO sites, wildlife-tourism, authenticity, sex tourism, volunteer tourism and sustainability are being taken into consideration in order to analyze the tourism. Referring to the guest lecture of Carol Westrik, tourists can be a big advantage to keep especially UNESCO heritage sites in good conditions. To explain this effect, it can be mentioned that lots of tourists visit beautiful natural or interesting cultural places because they are a listed as an UNESCO heritage site. If tourists explore one of these heritage sites and they observe something which is not what they expected, they will get in contact with the UNESCO. Because of a complaint, UNESCO will get in touch with the site and the consequence is that the site has to react. Logically all the listed heritage sites do not want to receive complaints and so they protect their places and take care of them. Hence, tourists travelling to UNESCO world heritage sites are a blessing to all those beautiful places. On the other hand through the high amount of tourists the sites need the protection they maybe would not need when not being on the UNESCO list (Westrik, 2015).