Improvisation erforschen - improvisierend forschen / Researching Improvisation - Researching by Improvisation

This book brings together essays providing aesthetic, cultural, artistic and pedagogical interrogations of the art of musical improvisation. As a fleeting - but profound - process, improvisation is also a form of research, and as such, an instrument of knowledge. But how does this research broaden the horizon of improvisation? What is a form of research that is appropriate to, and derived from, improvisation? And what specific qualities does improvisation offer artistic research? This book, bilingual throughout, contains reflections and models which deal both with the art of improvisation and with the people who carry it out; and offers fascinating perspectives on the musical and the performative, and beyond this, for culture and for scholarship more generally.

Reinhard Gagel (Dr. phil.), geb. 1955, Improvisationsmusiker und -forscher sowie Ensembleleiter, unterrichtet an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien und leitet am exploratorium berlin die Abteilung Theorie und Forschung. Matthias Schwabe, geb. 1958, Improvisationsmusiker, Komponist und Musikpädagoge, ist Gründer und Leiter des exploratorium berlin. Er unterrichtet am Sozialpädagogischen Institut Berlin und an der Universität der Künste Berlin.

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