In Camp with L Company

Excerpt: COMPANY L was organized and mustered into the State service June 22, 1893, and assigned as the 11th company of the Second Regiment with headquarters at Paterson, with the following officers: Addison Ely, Captain; Wilkin Bookstaver, First Lieutenant; Joseph J. Blake, Second Lieutenant. Lieutenant Bookstaver resigned in February, 1896, Lieutenant Blake was promoted to First Lieutenant and First Sergeant Robert A. Brunner was promoted to Second Lieutenant. From its first season at rifle practice the Company was a decided factor in the making up of the State records; the first year, out of fifty-six companies it stood sixth, in 1895 it was fourth and in 1897 second on the list with ten sharpshooters and fifty-eight marksmen, pushing Company C of Paterson hard for first honors, that company having twelve sharpshooters and sixty marksmen. A match was arranged in the fall of '97 between the companies composing the Second Battalion, E, F, G and L, ten men constituting a team; this match we won handily.