Instant motivation & definitive self-steem

For a self-esteem book to be useful, it needs to work and to work on it, it must be definite and, in addition, teach you how to generate instant energy levels, but what is the use of knowing motivation if I cannot motivate myself when I need it? Therefore, motivation must be achieved at any time required, in a snap of fingers. This book will teach you how to manage your energy levels, self-esteem and enthusiasm in a virtuous way so that you can reach the maximum potential that exists within you.

Soy Nico Quindt... Sumérgete de lleno en mi fantástico mundo, donde todo es posible, donde no existen las reglas, donde los amores pueden durar para siempre o acabar en un segundo, donde el pasado, presente y futuro pueden convivir en el mismo instante... Novelas fantásticas, ciencia ficción, cuentos fabulosos, superación personal, marketing, neuromarketing, diseño web y mucho más.

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