Integration von SBVR in Workflows der Windows Workflow Foundation und Veröffentlichung unter Microsoft SharePoint

Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Informatik - Software, FH Joanneum Graz (Informationsmanagement), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Modern business processes are subject to many influences. These influences arise from fast progress, such as legal and technological changes, as well as from the rapid development of markets. In order to consider all influences on business processes and general business design respectively, so-called Business Rules are introduced. Business Rules are obliged to be adaptable not only by IT-professionals but also by business people. To meet these requirements, this Master Thesis deals with the question of how to express business rules that can be validated and interpreted by machines and how to integrate them into business processes. Besides providing theoretical background of Semantic Business Rules and Business Vocabulary (SBVR) and the Microsoft Windows Workflow Founda- tion (WWF), this Master Thesis presents a concept of how to map SBVR Business Rules to WWF workflows. In this regard a simple sequential work- flow with conditions expressed in declarative language are created. In further consequence, the prototype works as a mapper that enables SBVR Business Rules to effect on workflow-conditions. Moreover, the prototype clarifies if this intervention has direct impact on already published workflows. Results show that Business Rules expressed in SBVR can intervene WWF workflows. Hence more flexibility is enabled when modifications have to be executed. Additionally, it has been shown that modifications made by the mapper have no direct effect on already deployed workflows. SBVR proves to be technically very useful and enables interesting fields in developing workflows with flexible adaptability for business people. The prototype implementation proves the constructed concept of integrating business rules expressed in SBVR into WWF workflows. For future investigations this thesis shows that an integration of SBVR Business Rules into WWF workflows is basically possible. Since workflow-modifications by the mapper have no direct effect on already deployed work-flows, more investigations in this regard are required.