Invasive Plants: Ecological and Agricultural Aspects

Invasive plants have an impact on global biodiversity and ecosystem function, and their management is a complex task.

The aim of this book is to discuss fundamental questions of invasion ecology, such as why particular communities become more invasible than others, what the mechanisms of exclusion of native species by invaders are, and whether invasion can be predicted.
In addition, agricultural practices influencing invasion, the environmental and economic costs of invasion as well as possible management strategies are discussed.
Readers will get a unique perspective on invasion ecology through employing general principles of ecology to plant invasions.

About the Editor
Inderjit is professor in the centre for Environmental Management of Degraded Ecosystems (CEMDE), School of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi. He works on allelochemical interactions among and between plants at the ecosystem-level, plant invasions, ecology and management of herbicide resistant weeds, and ecophysiology of allelochemicals. Inderjit is interested in understanding factors that explain habitat invasibility, invasiveness and dominance of alien plant species in natural and agroecosystems. Inderjit is an experienced author and editor of several scientific books.