Is My Baby Allergic To My Milk?

Does your breastfed baby have colic, reflex, or eczema? Perhaps your child has protein intolerance and that simply changing your diet might relieve his symptoms. This book explains what protein intolerance is and what can be done about it. Understanding protein intolerance sheds some light on problems such as colic, reflux and eczema in infants. It also helps us understand the difference between allergies and intolerance, and mostly it can give mothers tools to help alleviate their babies' symptoms and perhaps avoid bigger problems later on. This book is meant as a guide, offering as much information as possible on protein intolerance, the psychology of caring for a baby in pain, with the addition of a recipe book. The latter part is included because it can become exasperating to not know what to eat, to wonder how to adapt recipes or even what to order when eating out when breastfeeding a protein intolerant baby.