Isaiah Berlin's Cold War Liberalism

This book offers a succinct re-examination of Berlin's Cold War liberalism, at a time when many observers worry about the emergence of a new Cold War. Two chapters look closely at Berlin's liberalism in a Cold War context, one carefully analyses whether Berlin was offering a universal political theory - and argues that he did indeed (already at the time of the Cold War there were worries that Berlin was a kind of relativist). It will be of value for scholars of the cold war and of security issues in contemporary Asia, as well as students of history and philosophy.

Jan-Werner Müller is a professor of politics at Princeton University, where he also directs the Project in the History of Political Thought.  His previous books include What is Populism? (2016) and Contesting Democracy: Political Ideas in Twentieth-Century Europe (2011).  He writes for the Guardian, the London Review of Books, and The New York Review of Books.

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