It's Your Decision for Teens

It's Your Decision for Teens! Fact: Teenage years are a kind of bridge between being a child and becoming an adult. Fact: The better teenagers become at making decisions, the more likely they are to have a more satisfying adult life. Fact: The more effort a teenager puts into making good academic and career decisions, the brighter their future will be. It's Your Decision for Teens will help you to make decisions the right way by helping you understand the decision-making process. You'll learn practical, commonsense approaches to help you make good initial decisions regarding your education and the field of study you choose, the best career choices for you, your relationships, the living and work environments you'll spend time in, the quality of your health and wellness, and how you choose to spend your free time. As a teenager the choices you begin making in these big-ticket areas will have the greatest impact on the overall quality of your life. The decisions that matter most are the ones you make from now on. You'll need to be especially careful to make the right choices that will have the greatest impact on your life as an adult. Making better decisions will give you a great deal of satisfaction. Learn how to make your own decisions and you will be more satisfied and confident in the choices you make. Accept responsibility for making the academic, career, and personal decisions that lie ahead. Someday when you look back on your life, you'll be glad you made the effort as a teenager to make the right choices that produced favorable results. You'll have the confidence to respond to the question, "What kind of life did you have?" with "I had a great life!"