Jack's Story: The Knight

Jack and his friend Keegan are approached by a boy, Ignacio, in their 5th grade class who tells them his mom is missing and that he had a vision that Jack and Keegan found her. Jack has his doubts, but Ignacio draws a symbol from his vision, a symbol painted on a door on a back street in Denver. After a search, they find the symbol, but it doesn't lead to anything immediately. By a strange twist of fate, Jack's grandfather takes Jack and Keegan on a trip to a small Italian town near the Adriatic Sea. Jack passes through a time warp and finds himself in the year 1099 as a Squire in the service of Sir James, a Templar Knight. They are bound for the Levant to rescue the Lord of the Manor's daughter who is in a castle under siege in Edessa. Jack and the princess are captured by the Turks, but are released. To get back home they must cross the Sultanate of Rum and travel to Constantinople where they search for a relic of the True Cross. They find the relic, but are shipwrecked on the way back to Italy. They finally arrive back in Italy and Jack is asked to train as a knight for the Second Crusade. Jack travels back through the time warp and arrives back in present time. Jack is unsure of what he experienced -- a vivid dream or is he a time traveler?