A prime-time thriller. . . suspense on the order of Silence of the Lambs. --Denver PostHaunted by a disturbing childhood incident, Dr. Claire Waters is drawn to those ",untreatable", patients who seem to have no conscience or fear. In a holding cell at Rikers Island, where the young forensic psychiatrist meets with a dangerous inmate whose boyish looks mask a sordid history of violence, her daring methods reveal a key to her own dark past. And when the case propels her into the mind of a homicidal maniac watching her every move, the only way to stop a killer from killing again is to go beyond the edge of reason",A psychological thriller of the first order.",--David Baldacci ",A high-octane, intricate thriller, delivered with skill.", --Publishers Weekly",A startling, intense suspense novel that will have readers staying up at night--with the light on.", --Suspense Magazine",A masterful thriller. Highly recommended.", --Douglas Preston",A non-stop thrill ride.", --Michael Palmer",Riveting psychological suspense.", --Gayle Lynds",A masterful thriller. Highly recommended.", --Douglas Preston",Exciting, fast-paced, filled with twists.", --The Mystery Gazette",Keeps the reader engrossed and guessing.", --Bookreporter.com",Suspenseful.", --Booklist",A fast-paced, gritty crime thriller.", --Christopher Meloni",Will keep you on the edge of your seat. ", --Ice-T ",An end youll never see coming.", --Mariska Hargitay

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