Komparative Analyse der europapolitischen Finalitätsleitbilder Großbritanniens und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland vor dem Hintergrund des EU-Vertragsreformprozesses

Magisterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Politik - Internationale Politik - Thema: Europäische Union, Note: 1,7, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald (Institut für Politik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft Fachbereich Politikwissenschaft, Lehrstuhl für Internationale Politik und Regionalstudien ), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This work analyses the processing of Euro-political models with regard to Europe¿s final objective in Britain and Germany between 2000 and 2009 because there is a contrast to their Euro-political models. The focus lies on British and German government members, who formulate their models both in an intergovernmental and a supranational way. The question that does arise is whether the views of Europe¿s final objectives could approximate to each other against the background of the EU Reform Treaty¿s process. The causal effect that should be investigated is the influence of social learning processes on a Euro-political model change. When there is no change it could be more difficult to answer the question of the Europe¿s final objective.