La Guerre du feu (Quest for Fire) : The book that inspired the Jean-Jacques Annaud's 1982 movie

La Guerre du feu est un roman écrit par J.-H. Rosny aîné, pionnier de la science fiction francophone, et paru pour la première fois en France en 1909. Ce roman fut partiellement publié à partir de juillet 1909 dans le journal Je sais tout, ainsi que dans deux autres revues, en 1909 et 1910. Il remporta un important succès et a suscité de nombreuses adaptations cinématographiques dont celle de Jean-Jacques Annaud en 1982. Depuis des générations, la vie de la tribu des Oulhamrs s'est organisée autour du feu. Mais s'ils savent conserver les braises et attiser les flammes, ils sont en revanche incapables d'allumer le feu, qu'ils conservent précieusement dans trois cages gardées jour et nuit par quatre femmes et deux guerriers. Or un jour, au cours d'un affrontement sauvage avec une tribu ennemie, les cages où brûlait le Feu, source de vie, sont détruites. C'est la catastrophe. Vaincu, le clan fuit derrière son chef Faouhm, en proie au froid et à la nuit. En désespoir de cause, celui-ci promet alors sa nièce Gammla ainsi que le bâton du commandement au guerrier qui rapportera le feu à la tribu... The Quest for Fire (French: La Guerre du feu) is is one a cycle of prehistoric novels by French author J. H. Rosny-Aine and is his best known work and considered a classic of prehistoric fiction. It was first published in English in 1967.It was made into an acclaimed feature film of the same name in 1981 staring Ron Perlman, Rae Dawn Chong and Everett McGill. Quest for Fire is about the struggle for possessing fire, while other titles dealt in a similar way with possessing women and land. There is legitimate Darwinism here and that makes it successful.

J.-H. Rosny aîné was the pseudonym of Joseph Henri Honoré Boex (1856-1940), a French author who is considered one of the founding figures of modern science fiction. Born in Brussels in 1856, he wrote in the French language, together with his younger brother Séraphin Justin François Boex under the pen name J.-H. Rosny until 1909. After they ended their collaboration Joseph Boex continued to write under the name Rosny aîné (Rosny the Elder).Rosny aîné was very much like H. G. Wells or Olaf Stapledon in his concepts and his way of dealing with them in his novels. He was the second most important figure after Jules Verne in the history of modern French science fiction. Because his writing was not translated into English before after his death, and his readers did not always understand his science fiction novels, his impact on the early evolution of the genre was limited. Rosny penned five prehistoric novels : Vamireh (1892), Eyrimah (1893), the world-renowned classic La Guerre du Feu better Le Félin Géant (The Giant Cat) (1918) (sometimes known as Quest known as Quest for Fire (1909) which served as the basis for the famous 1981 movie (Academy Award for Makeup); of the Dawn Man) and Helgvor du Fleuve Bleu (Helgvor of the Blue River) (1930). In it, he combined the notions of modern drama with the ability to depict Man's early days. In 1897, Joseph Boex was named to the French Légion d'honneur and in 1903 was named to the first jury of the Prix Goncourt along with his brother. Rosny aîné remained involved with the Académie Goncourt and in 1926 became its president. Romain Rolland nominated him for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1928 and 1933. Joseph Boex died in Paris in 1940.