Labor Pains

At Mercy General trouble is brewing. Outside nurses protest for patient safety and worker protections. Inside nurses work hard to care for the sick while most of their patients don't realize that illness may be the least of their worries. A huge corporation threatens to turn their community hospital into a big box medical center that cares more about profit than their patients. In the middle of the fray, Paige O'Neill, a labor and delivery nurse brings babies into the world but can't seem to have another of her own. Paige knows how to relieve the pain of her patients; but when it comes to her own suffering she relies more and more on alcohol. From the tender moments in the delivery room to the sinister secrets shared in the boardroom, this timely tale of essential workers versus pencil pushers awakens the spirit of the nursing profession: courage, caring and hope. Amid birth and death, joy and betrayal, greed and caregiver burnout, Paige O'Neill endeavors to triumph over the most terrifying of forces: Labor Pains.