Legends of Longdendale

CONTENTS Preface The Legend of Coombs Rocks The Legend of Alman's Death: A Tale of Melandra Castle King Arthur's Adventure The Legend of War Hill Sir Ro, of Staley Hall Robin Hood's Visit to Longdendale The Abbot of Basingwerke, or the Wehr Wolf of Longdendale The Devil's Elbow The Legend of Charlesworth Chapel Sir Edmund Shaa Lord Lovel's Fate The Raiders from the Border-Side The Legend of Gallow's Clough The King's Evil: or the Wonderful Cure of the Mottram Parson The Magic Book The Parson's Wife The Devil and the Doctor The Writing on the Window Pane A Legend of the Civil War A Tale of the ' The Haunted Farm The Spectre Hound The Boggart of Godley Green