Look Where You're Going

Alan Pickering's tale is not just the story of the local boy who came good. It's the story of a boy who did very well indeed. Born with a degenerative eye disease that left him blind by the age of thirty, Alan Pickering was not going to let this stop him becoming a leader in the world of pensions, winning 'Greatest Single Contribution to Occupational Pensions (1998-2017)' at the Professional Pensions UK Pension Awards. His achievements, however, were not solely limited to the highly technical world of pensions. A lifelong fan of horse racing, Pickering has become a keen racehorse owner himself, and was honoured to be elected a vice-president of the Racehorse Owners Association. Throughout his life he has never let his lack of sight hold him back, and he maintained a strong passion for athletics - participating in competitive race walking and running numerous marathons over the years. In Look Where You're Going Paddy Briggs uncovers the very human story behind a man best known for the Pickering Report, commissioned by the Blair government. From interviews with friends and family as well as conversations with Alan himself, he reveals a man whose intellect and amiable nature allowed him to push his disability to one side to succeed on his own terms.