Lookin' at Lava: Poems inspired by rafting the Grand Canyon of the Colorado

A collection of poetry inspired by rafting the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. Here's a sample: From "An Adventure Was In Store: " It was nineteen-ninety-seven, And an adventure was in store: A two week chance to see a canyon That I'd never seen from its floor. These poems began pouring from me As the adventure drew to a close. They seemed better able to capture The experience than just simple prose. From "The Act and The Art of Descending: " A theme of this canyon for me Has been the act and the art of descending. The many forms have struck me: Going down, cutting through. Flowing, falling, dropping. From "Lookin' at Lava: " At the mouth of Prospect Canyon sits the Lava Rapid Fall. It's reputation preceded it; over our group it cast its pall. Not even explanations of debris flows historic and new Could distract us from thoughts of water and whether we'd make it through.