Lover of Life

In Lover of Life the distinguished author Dr. F. W. Boreham draws back the curtain to pay tribute to one of his mentors, Joseph John Doke. This is a tantalizing sketch of a pastor, artist, author, who later in South Africa became a friend and freedom fighter with Mahatma Gandhi in the struggle for the rights of minority races. Instead of offering a treatise on effective mentoring, F. W. Boreham, in his inimitable way, tells stories of how it worked for him and how pivotal such a relationship was in his own life and ministry. 'It would be good if seminary and denominational leaders put this book into the hands of every seminary student and pastor who are embarking on a new mentoring relationship. This short story about the friendship between J. J. Doke and Frank and Stella Boreham provides a wealth of insight and a hopeful vision of what a mentoring relationship might become' (Dr. Geoff Pound).