Loving Donovan

",Bernice L. McFadden is one of the best contemporary literary writers out there today...Her brilliance, her talent as a novelist, is the very life she breathes into all of her characters.",--Terry McMillan, from the IntroductionOne of Library Journal's 25 Key Indie Fiction Titles for Fall 2014-Winter 2015!",A two-time Hurston/Wright Legacy Award finalist also twice honored by the Black Caucus of the American Library Association, McFadden presents a love story starring Campbell and Donovan--both from shattered homes, both still hopeful, and both shaped more by history than they can imagine. Don't miss.",--Library Journal Prepub Alert",Loving Donovan firmly establishes McFadden among the ranks of those few writers of whom you constantly beg for more.",--Black Issues Book ReviewPraise for Bernice L. McFadden:",McFadden works a kind of miracle--not only do her characters retain their appealing humanity, their story eclipses the bonds of history to offer continuous surprises.",--New York Times, on Gathering of Waters",Searing and expertly imagined.",--Toni Morrison, on The Warmest DecemberWith a new introduction by Terry McMillan.The first section of McFadden's unconventional love story belongs to Campbell. Despite being born to a brokenhearted mother and a faithless father, Campbell still believes in the power of love...if she can ever find it. Living in the same neighborhood, but unknown to Campbell until a chance meeting brings them together, is Donovan, the ",little man", of a shattered home--a family torn apart by anger and bitterness.In the face of daunting obstacles, Donovan dreams of someday marrying, raising a family, and playing in the NBA. But deep inside, Campbell and Donovan live with the histories that have shaped their lives. What they discover--together and apart--forms the basis of this compelling, sensual, and surprising novel.

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Loving Donovan McFadden, Bernice L

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