MElinus, Calea, Fritzi and Sammy explain ME/CFS and Long Covid

You or one of your friends were probably sick before. Usually, you recover quickly and can go back to having fun and playing with your friends. But, there are also some diseases that can stay in the body. These types of diseases are called chronic diseases. ME/CFS and Long COVID are chronic diseases that affect many adults and children today. This child-friendly book explains the causes and symptoms of ME/CFS and how family and friends can help.

Daniela Kühnl (*1964) lives in southern Hessen/Germany near Darmstadt and has been suffering from Long Covid and ME/CFS since 2020. Her life has changed a lot as a result. And not just theirs. Many children are now also affected. So often, the children's perspective is neglected. But they want to understand what's going on with their dear family members or friends, how they can help. This is how the idea for a children's book was born, which Daniela Kühnl created together with Ralf Möller (also affected). He drew the pictures to accompany her texts.

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