"My Preemie Sister" is a heartwarming children's book that follows the journey of young Jamison, who eagerly anticipates becoming a big brother. When his baby sister, Serayah, is born prematurely, Jamison is introduced to the world of the NICU, where he learns about the challenges and triumphs that come with caring for a preemie. As he impatiently and excitedly walks through his new role, Jamison's initial excitement turns to concern, and he discovers the importance of patience, love, and hope. Through daily updates, heartfelt drawings, and thoughtful gestures, Jamison forms a bond with his sister, even before she comes home. This touching story captures the emotions of a family welcoming a preemie and highlights the strength and resilience of both the baby and her loving big brother. "My Preemie Sister" is a tender tale of sibling love, family support, and the extraordinary journey of growing together.