Mainau Flower Island

Mainau Island, the Flower Island in Lake Constance, is known and loved by garden enthusiasts, locals and tourists alike - not only for its inspiring garden ideas, but also as a place to relax. What used to be a park for Grand Dukes is today an internationally renowned tourism company: The Botanic Garden and the castle grounds are among the most frequently visited gardens in Germany. Discover a full range of exceptional plants, experience the changing planting designs in the course of the year and learn about the creation and the history of this unique natural and cultural landscape.

Markus Zeiler, Gartendirektor der Insel Mainau, ist verantwortlich für Wechselflor, Gehölz- und Staudenpflanzungen und war unter anderem beteiligt an der Neuanlage des Stauden- und des Insektengartens.