Management 3.0. How game development teams could benefit from Jurgen Appelos approach to leadership

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich Führung und Personal - Führungsstile, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This assignment will give a brief overview about the approach of Management 3.0 from Jurgen Appelo and how leaders and members of game development teams could benefit from it. Developing computer games is almost as old as the development of classic software. There are many similarities, and at the end, the result is the same: a program that runs on a computer. But teams which are developing computer games were growing much faster over the decades than classic software development teams. Also the complexity itself was increasing rapidly. The reason: Additional resources were needed besides programmers. These include for example, graphic artists, game designer, game balancer, visual effects specialists and even people who are doing the music and sounds. Being a leader for this kind of interdisciplinary team with creative and analytical people inside is often a bigger challenge than doing it for a homogenous group of people from one profession.

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