Managing e-business Projects

Motivation for e-business Project Management Is there a need for a book called 'Managing e-business Projects'? There are thousands of books on project management in general and hundreds on IT project management in par­ ticular. The decisive question is whether or not traditional project management works also for e-business projects. You find different answers to this question - myths about managing e-business projects continue to abound. Some people believe that managing an e-business project does not differ from manag­ ing an IT project. In their opinion e-business can be reduced to technological factors only. They view e-business as the current wave of a technological evolution in IT. As a consequence they propagate the application of traditional IT project management tech­ niques to e-business projects. Other people have a completely different view. They think that e-business projects re­ quire an entirely new project management methodology that is absolutely distinct from what has been done before. The extreme finds its expression in the belief that e-business projects need not be managed at all. Some people view project management for e­ business projects as an unnecessary bureaucratic burden that stifles the creativity of the project staff.