Claire Starley never believed her career would lead her down a path like this. But as she watches her colleague, Dr. Tom Warren, confront his sex offender clients head-on, she can't help but be intrigued. Under Warren's tutelage, Claire will now preside over these same sex offenders, pushing them ever closer to that elusive thing called rehabilitation. Along the way, Claire forms a close bond of friendship with the most unlikely people. She laughs with former pedophiles and cries with contrite abusers. All the while, she keeps these men on track with Dr. Warren's experimental and apparently effective treatment program. She demands their honesty - both with others and with themselves. She meets clients who threaten to derail the practice, lawsuits that encroach upon her livelihood, and a neighborhood too afraid and close-minded to accept the possibility of recovery for criminals such as these. Aided by her husband Miles and a charming parole officer named Lance, Claire stands up to all who would try to put an end to her practice and the good works it represents.