Marilyn Monroe The Lost Diary

INTRODUCTION The story you are about to read is both fact and fiction. The facts were gathered from many sources during my research for this book. You can find their origins in the Bibliography. I have studied the circumstances of Marilyn Monroe's death for a long time and came up with my final conclusion: that we will never know exactly how Marilyn died and if her lost diary was ever found. Only Marilyn, herself, really knows what happened on the morning of August 5, 1962, at 12305 Fifth Helena Drive in Brentwood, California. Contained in this book are many scenarios of what may or may not have happened at the Cal Neva Lodge in Lake Tahoe during those golden years. Marilyn visited there on the weekend of July 27-29, 1962. It was her last visit with much speculation on what happened there that weekend. Later, that same week the Sex Icon was found dead in her bedroom in her home in Brentwood. When reading, one must come to their own conclusions on the different theories and scenarios mentioned within the story. Please separate fact from fiction. Who knows, when finished, you may end up having some other conclusion of your own.