Marlon Brando and his influence on the American culture

Essay aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Arbeit, Betrieb, Organisation, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 'He was innately brilliant but it was all scattered, almost as if he'd been told early on that he was nothing and worthless. Yet his work was so beautiful and so pure that there was no explaining where it came from. He still didn't love acting, he didn't love the theater and he didn't respect his own talent, but his gift was so great he couldn't defile it. He could put on pounds, he could say that it was all shit, but he still couldn't destroy it.' (Actress Julie Harris about Marlon Brando) Political and social commitment isn´t welcome in Hollywood, because actors are having a great influence on the audience of their movies. Marlon Brando´s growing activism was a thorn in the film industry side.

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