Meagre Tarmac

Shortlisted for the 2011 Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize2011 Scotiabank Giller Prize NomineeLonglisted for the Frank O'Connor Short Story Award",Clark Blaises brilliantly imagined The Meagre Tarmac is a novel in short-story form, warmly intimate, startling in its quick jumps and revelations, a portrait of individuals for whom we come to care deeply and a portrait of an Indo-American way of life that shimmers before our eyes with the rich and compelling detail for which Clark Blaises fiction is renowned . The Meagre Tarmac is a remarkable accomplishment.",Joyce Carol OatesAn Indo-American Canterbury Tales, The Meagre Tarmac explores the places where tradition, innovation, culture, and power meet with explosive force. It begins with Vivek Waldekar, who refused to attend his fathers funeral because he was trying to please an American girl who thought starting a fire in his fathers body too gross a sacrilege to contemplate. It ends with Pranab Dasgupta, the Rockefeller of India, who can only describe himself as a very lonely, very rich, very guilty immigrant. And in between is a cluster of remarkable characters, incensed by the conflict between personal desire and responsibility, who exhaust themselves in pursuit of the miraculous. Fearless and ferociously intelligent, these stories are vintage Blaise, whose outsiders view of the changing heart of America has always been ruthless and moving and tender.

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The Meagre Tarmac Blaise, Clark

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