Mediterranean Wild Edible Plants

This book is the result of collaboration between botanists and food chemists, with the purpose of improving the knowledge of the main wild species of traditional use as foods in the Mediterranean area, focus on ethnobotanical aspects, natural production, uses and nutritional aspects. One of the novelties of the book would be the publication of complete food composition tables of at least 50 species, which are not usually included in nutrient databases of foods. Many of the data included would come from the chemical analysis of representative samples of these species and other would be compiled from the scientific literature. Since this topic has not been fully studied, this book would provide an interesting tool to be used with the purpose of the revalorization of wild food species, preservation of their traditional uses, and also as alternatives to improve the diversity of modern Mediterranean diets.?

SÁNCHEZ MATA, María de Cortes Education Degree in Pharmacy. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. June 1995. Award obtained for academic results: 'Premio Extraordinario de Licenciatura' Master in Food Science and Analysis. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. July 1996 PhD in Food Science and Analysis. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. April 2000. Award: 'Rafael Folch' Membership of professional Associations: Member of 'Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos de Madrid'. 1996 to present. Member of 'Spanish Society for Applied Spectroscopy'. 1997 to present. Member of 'Spanish Society for Horticulrual Sciences', SECH. 2001 to present Member of 'Europan Association for Research on Plant Breeding', EUCARPIA. 2006 to present. Many National and International Research Projects

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