Mine Seismology: Seismic Warning Concept

This book illustrates how mine seismology can be used to improve underground safety standards. It describes several preventive actions that have been put into practice at the 5B Area of No. 5 Shaft Vaal Reefs gold mine after issuing seismic warnings. These included additional safety pillars, changes in mining sequences and directions, and a review of the mining strategy for the entire 5B area. 

The presented experiment with seismic warning concept was a success because it was an internal mine project. Further, the Vaal Reefs management adopted the philosophy that the success rate should be measured in the preventive actions taken, not in the success of the prediction itself. Reviewing these and other aspects, the book clearly demonstrates how mine seismology can effectively improve underground safety standards.

Stefan Glazer's book (...) addresses in a very comprehensive manner both technical and practical problems of implementing and then effectively using microseismic networks and data. (...) Stefan proves that through comprehensive microseismic data analysis the location of potential rock burst can be assessed and then prevention action plans can be developed, providing more confidence to management and workers that deposit[s] can be mine[d] safely.
Michal Stawski, VP Strategic Geomechanical Specialist, PT Freeport Indonesia

I began reading this story expecting to find a technical review of the science of seismology and its application in mining, [but] this book is much more than that. (...) This is a must-read for those managing seismically active mines and should provide a wake-up call to the industry as the complex morality surrounding the management of seismic risk needs to be clarified in order for this to advance.
Eric Strom, Director Underground Mining, New Gold Inc.

As a mining geotechnical practitioner having experience in large open pit and underground massive mining operations, I have learned that mining induced seismicity can have a significant impact on the safety and economics of operations. However, seismicity is a complex field that is generally left to specialists with little input from geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists. (...) This is a must read for mine seismologists, geotechnical practitioners and mining engineers alike, and will be a welcome and much needed addition to my own book cabinet. This will be [an] invaluable work as our industry progresses to the mining of new depths in both the underground and open pit environments.
Desmond Mossop Pr.Sci.Nat., Principal Engineering Geologist, SRK Consulting 

Stefan N. Glazer has over 40 years of experience in the application of geophysical methods in the mineral prospecting and mining industry. He has been an independent mine seismology consultant since 2004, and before that he worked as a mine seismologist for AngloGold and then PMC. He has an MSc degree in Prospecting Geophysics (1972) and a PhD degree in Mine Geophysics (1997), both from the AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland. Prof. A. Kijko promoted the PhD thesis entitled 'Practical applications of stress index and other seismological parameters in combating rock burst hazard in deep gold mine of Vaal Reefs, South Africa,' while Prof. S. Gibowicz and Prof. S. Lasocki reviewed it. He has published a number of technical papers, the last eleven of which are on monitoring the PMC caving process. He was involved in the Mass Mining Technology 2 Project with his research work entitled titled 'Seismic signature of the caving process,' which involved analysis and interpretation of seismicity recorded at El Teniente, Chile, PT Freeport DOZ Mine, Northparkes Mine Lift 2 and PMC. The aim of this research was to make maximum use of the recorded seismicity to monitor and manage the caving process. In 2007 and 2011 he lectured on the subject of Mining Induced Seismicity for the Master Program in Geomechanics Applied to Mining, School of Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes, Santiago, Chile. In May 2016, Springer published his first book entitled 'Mine Seismology: Data Analysis and Interpretation.' This book describes the caving process as it was revealed by induced seismicity.

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