Missing My Son

Missing My Son By: Michele M Roth Missing My Son is a raw and real look into the emotions of a mother after the loss of her son to a shooting accident. Michele M Roth places all of her thoughts and feelings on paper through poetry and short writings to convey her thoughts and feelings during the years after the tragic event. Roth uses her words to hopefully aid other parents who may be going through a loss of their own, to understand they are not alone. It is okay to breathe and continue. It is okay to have a myriad of emotions. Everyone grieves differently, and Roth's words are here to aid in the process and provide comfort and understanding during one of the most difficult times in a parent's life. About the Author When her son passed away, Michele M Roth dropped out of college. She and her son were to celebrate their high school and college graduations at the same time. In the fall of 2014, Roth started college again and graduated with an associate degree in spring 2019. She has transferred to a larger college and is working on her bachelor's in criminal psychology. As her son was an organ donor, Roth has also been an ambassador for the Midwest Transplant Network for ten years. Roth has been married to her wonderful husband Harold for over twenty-five years and together they live with their three dogs, all rescues. In her spare time between work and college, she enjoys painting. Around Christmas, she also makes ornaments and gives them away each year in remembrance of her son's December birthday and his love of Christmas.