Model Driven Architecture and Ontology Development

Defining a formal domain ontology is considered a useful, not to say necessary step in almost every software project. This is because software deals with ideas rather than with self-evident physical artefacts. However, this development step is hardly ever done, as ontologies rely on well-defined and semantically powerful AI concepts such as description logics or rule-based systems, and most software engineers are unfamiliar with these. This book fills this gap by covering the subject of MDA application for ontology development on the Semantic Web. The writing is technical yet clear, and is illustrated with examples. The book is supported by a website.

Dragan Gaševic is a lecturer of Computer Science with the Military academy, Belgrade Serbia and Montenegro, as well as a researcher with the GOOD OLD AI research group, University of Belgrade. He has received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees in computer science from the University of Belgrade in 2000, 2002, and 2004, respectively. His research interests mostly include Semantic Web, ontologies, MDA, and applications of artificial intelligence techniques to education.

Dragan Djuric is a PhD candidate at FON - School of Business Administration, University of Belgrade, and also a researcher with the GOOD OLD AI research group. His interests mostly include Enterprise software architecture, Object-Oriented development, Java platform and Intelligent Information Systems.

Vladan Devedžic is an associate professor of computer science at the Department of Information Systems, FON - School of Business Administration, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro. He is also the head of the GOOD OLD AI research group. His main research interests include software engineering, intelligent systems, knowledge representation, ontologies, Semantic Web, intelligent reasoning, and applications of artificial intelligence techniques to education and medicine.

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Model Driven Engineering and Ontology Development Dragan Ga#evic, Dragan Djuric, Vladan Deved#ic

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