Model-Driven Design Using Business Patterns

This book shows how to apply pattern ideas in business applications. It presents more than 20 structural and behavioral business patterns that use the REA (resources, events, agents) pattern as a common backbone. The developer working on business frameworks can use the patterns to derive the right abstractions and to design and ensure that the meta-rules are followed by the developers of the actual applications. The application developer can use these patterns to design a business application, to ensure that it does not violate the domain rules, and to adapt the application to changing requirements without the need to change the overall architecture.

Pavel Hruby works at Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen in Denmark as part of an architecture team developing the framework for next-generation business software applications that exploit business patterns as one of their primary modeling abstractions. Pavel's experience includes the application of patterns in object-oriented frameworks, models, and model transformations. He is active in the patterns community, is a member of the Hillside Group and Hillside Europe, and was a chairman of VikingPLoP 2002, the First Nordic Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs.