Modeling and Simulation in Scilab/Scicos with ScicosLab 4.4

Scilab and its Scicos block diagram graphical editor, with a special emphasis on modeling and simulation tools. The first part is a detailed Scilab tutorial, and the second is dedicated to modeling and simulation of dynamical systems in Scicos. The concepts are illustrated through numerous examples, and all code used in the book is available to the reader.

Stephen L. Campbell is a professor of mathematics and a director of graduate programs at North Carolina State University, having published extensively on numerical methods and control.

Jean-Philippe Chancelier is affiliated with CERMICS Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and is one of the original developers of Scilab.

Ramine Nikoukhah is a director of research at INRIA (The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control), senior member of IEEE, one of the original developers of Scilab, and is the creator of Scicos.