Mommy, Tell Me a Story about a Plane, 2nd Edition

MOMMY CAN YOU TELL ME A STORY ABOUT A PLANE: One that swoops and soars even in the rain? Maybe with penguins and whales, like in those fairy tales. Once upon a time, a little plane named Hugh loved to fly and play with the birds from morning until night. But now he is a tired old plane who cannot soar fast in the sky-even when he tries with all his might. One day as Hugh sits in his hangar feeling sad and alone, a bird perches on his wing and begins to sing. The bird then invites Hugh to fly to the South Pole to help Trevor-a bird who cannot fly. Hugh suddenly realizes he has something to do! Even though he cannot fly fast anymore, Hugh takes his new friends on an unforgettable ride to the sun, where dreams really do come true. ABOUT THE AUTHOR and ILLUSTRATOR: Kristi and her husband Dave are natives of Arizona and work as a team. Dave illustrates and Kristi writes. Kristi and Dave have been married for over eleven years. Kristi is a paraplegic from a horseback riding accident when she was 15. She is a 1993 graduate of Biola University where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree. Dave has worked as a city sanitation driver for 25 years. They are a blended family and together they have four sons. Their youngest son, Dillon, can be seen in all of their books as the little boy that asks Mommy to tell him a story.

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