Mother Trauma

Betrayal | noun | be·tray·al : the violation of a moral standard, or of a person's trust or confidence For Emily Bowers, betrayal, emotional abuse, manipulation, and even fear prevailed in her early years, and her mother was the source. When love is scarce and tension is high, how do you learn about love and ways to share it? When you're a cog in a cycle of generational trauma, how do you disrupt harmful patterns and build your own? How do you become a healthy mom when you never had one? In Mother Trauma, Emily shares her story to reveal the truth about emotional abuse and its lifelong impact on survivors. She reveals the steps she's taken to heal old wounds, learn self-love, and grow into the mother she wanted and needed as a child. You can learn from trauma rather than live in it, but you need hope, healing, and compassion-from others and yourself. Learn how to release toxic relationships, reach out for support, and know, above all, that you are never alone.