Mutterschaft und Familie: Inszenierungen in Theater und Performance

Even though gender roles and family structures have radically changed in recent years, images of mothers and families in everyday culture are still often strongly shaped by the model of the bourgeois nuclear family and Christian traditions. Miriam Dreysse unpacks these traditions of representation and investigates contemporary theater and performance - as well as examples from dance, photography and video art - in her discussion of motherhood and family. Sophisticated performance analyses (Pollesch, She She Pop, Rimini Protokoll et al.) enable a gender-critical reading of contemporary theater and with this, give German theater studies a decisive push.

Miriam Dreysse (Dr. phil. habil.) lehrt Theaterwissenschaft u.a. an der Universität der Künste Berlin. Sie studierte Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft an der Universität Gießen und habilitierte sich an der Universität Hildesheim. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind zeitgenössisches Theater und Performance sowie Gender Studies.

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Kunst-Paare Magdalena Beljan, Miriam Dreysse, Maxi Grotkopp, Josch Hoenes, Doris Kolesch, Nastasia Louveau, Kath

26,00 €*