Money is a tool that we can all master. You choose to either be a Money Slave or a Money Master. My Money, written by Gerald Mwandiambira, is a practical, easy to read, personal finance book. A guide that will help many ordinary people begin to create wealth and not fear the subject of personal financial planning. A treasure trove of useful advice and tips, this book is essential reading to gain a basic understanding of money mechanics. A guide to help you find your confidence, and see money as it really is; a tool that anyone can use. With a chapter dedicated to almost every financial situation we face in our lives, My Money will become your go-to book that will help you unlock your financial potential and gain control of your financial affairs. You, too, have the potential to become a Money Master.

Gerald Mwandiambira is a Certified Financial Planner, has a postgraduate degree in Financial Planning Law, and is a highly regarded speaker who takes the stage at many conferences world-wide. He owns a boutique Wealth Planning Practice and has experience in banking, stockbroking, health insurance, investment products and long and short-term insurance. Gerald is active in the media and supports financial literacy by contributing as a freelance financial journalist, providing expert commentary in various print publications, as well as on television and radio.

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