NLP Made Easy

This is the most straightforward introduction to NLP on the market. Leading NLP practitioner Carol Harris explains exactly what NLP is in no-nonsense style. Shying away from complicated terms or hard-to-grasp techniques, she gives practical advice on using NLP in everyday life to get what you want. Contents Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) focuses on the way we think (Neuro), the Linguistic ways in which we communicate, and the personal Programs that govern the way we behave. By observing and copying the best practices of successful people we can be successful too. • Discover the history and development of NLP. • How NLP can improve your life ? with rapid results. • Straightforward NLP techniques and how to use them. • Using NLP to be your best ? at work and at home. • Advice for those who want to take their interest in NLP further.

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