Topographies of nighttime entertainment have been for years developing into an indicator for quality of life - and as such, into a location factor to be taken seriously by cities and regions in intercity competition for highly qualified professionals, for whom a vibrant nightlife is important. At the same time, there is growing critique around the increasing commodification of urban spaces and times, which bring with them multiple social and economic processes of displacement and gentrification. Beyond this, nocturnal economies are associated with criminality, excessive alcohol and drug consumption, prostitution, noise and waste issues, as well as »light pollution«. Raphael Schwegmann presents a typology that rethinks the oscillating interaction of identity, place and economy, using the example of the night.

Raphael Schwegmann forscht aus der Perspektive einer kulturtheoretisch ausgerichteten Humangeographie an verschiedenen Einrichtungen in Deutschland und Frankreich zu den Themenfeldern Recht, Wirtschaft und Politik. Zuvor promovierte er als Stipendiat des Graduiertenkollegs »Philosophie des Ortes« an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

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